ハイガレ最強てこと: 被験者ブログ

High Gale's Strongest Lever: Subject Blog

Sales of Hi-Garage have been increasing recently. It seems that many outdoor climbers, including Kurakami-kun, are smearing it all over their cars. Meanwhile, Ippei Tajima wrote an article about Hi-Garage.

The rainy season is the perfect season for friction testing. Please give it a try with the ZERO.TT or V3.

Come to think of it, I think there was an episode where Tajima-kun and I were talking about liquid chalk on Powder Radio, but I can't remember which episode it was. (Yamamoto)


The beginning of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic

The number of people training at home has increased dramatically since the request to stay home was issued. The new item "Garage" was sold to provide a firm grip that is just as good as chalk even at home.

Garage, which provides grip without producing any powder or turning your fingertips white, quickly became popular, and the high-grip version, "Hi Garage," has also gained a loyal following as a base coat before applying chalk.


Not only was it a great base, but it also had a unique design, and the bottle was actually a sauce bottle. As a result of going too far, the professor himself was not satisfied with the shelf life, and it was later discontinued, much to everyone's regret.
(I think he said that powder really gets you excited(?))


I was also addicted to Hi-Garage, and after it was discontinued I tried using liquid choke, but it didn't work, so I made my own by combining boost and choke. But before I knew it, I stopped using it, or rather, I stopped using liquid choke.


"New High Gale re-released"

It's rare to have the opportunity to use something again once it has been removed from use...
I tried it out on a cold winter's day, and I felt the condition of my fingertips improve instantly. Since then, I've been hooked on Hi-Garage again.

I remember that when the prototype was made, it was difficult to time the application of chalk while it was drying, but with the current version it doesn't feel so difficult.

It's also fun to find your own way to use the high garage. If you use it well, you will be able to feel the tightness of the hold that was once just barely there, as it will be transmitted from your fingertips to your body. I hope you will all try out various things while having fun during the rainy season!!!

#tokyopowder ▶ High-grade is the strongest

Ippei Tajima

